About Us

Hi there! Welcome to Wholesome Family Living!

What you have stumbled upon is a safe place to rejuvenate your soul, your family, and your body.

The definition of WHOLESOME according to Webster dictionary is:

  1. Promoting health or well-being of mind or spirit
  2. Promoting health of body

And this is what we are all about!

Here, Wholesome Family Living simply means that we are pursuing God with our WHOLE heart, loving our families with our WHOLE self, and crafting delicious recipes with WHOLE foods.

At Wholesome Family Living we are sharing ideas on our faith, family, and food!

FAITH: True to the definition of the word wholesome, this section is meant to promote well-being of the spirit. Here you will find posts that explain what it means to have faith and to believe in Jesus. For those that already have a relationship with Jesus, we also want to encourage you in your faith in Jesus. From sermon recaps to scripture discussions to praying powerful prayers, we want Jesus to be the center and foundation of your life. We also have Bible studies and prayer guides available for small groups or individuals.

FAMILY: As you can probably guess, our focus in this section is on the well-being of your family. We want your family to be one that thrives and not just survives this fast-paced world we live in. To promote health in your family, we focus on how to live as naturally and as toxin-free as possible. We also want to help keep the romance alive in your marriage and help you raise happy and healthy kids. We will cover topics from date night ideas to product suggestions on our favorite natural products to how to discipline your kids to guides for how to slowly transform your home to be less toxic.

FOOD: Living a wholesome life also includes that second definition from Webster – promoting health of the body. A lot of the food available to us will actually do the exact opposite, causing inflammation, harm, and disease. To combat this, we focus on making healthy recipes that use natural, organic, non-GMO foods in their raw form. Nothing artificial here! Many of the recipes we have created are keto (low-carb), paleo, gluten-free, or dairy-free. Use the search function to filter recipes to find the way of eating you are looking for (and most recipes have options to adapt to every way of eating – for example there are suggestions on how to make the Strawberry Cheesecake Chia Seed Pudding dairy-free). All of these recipes are kid-tested – keep an eye out for pictures and suggestions on how to do baby led weaning for those of you with Littles!

We by no means have everything figured out in all these areas and we struggle just like you do. But we aren’t content to stay there, and we bet you don’t want to either.

So we want to invite you on an adventure with us. Let’s explore and figure out how to live our best wholesome, healthy lives TODAY!!

Interested in learning more about our full story and vision for Wholesome Family Living? Check out our Vision page.